COVID 19 Visitation Policy in Birmingham

Schedule a Visit

Florida COVID-19 Visitation Policy:

  • Visitors are encouraged at the Community and visits are permitted in common areas, in the resident’s room, or outdoors, based on the resident’s preferences. Visitors are permitted during the Community’s visiting hours (which shall at least include 9am – 5pm daily). 
  • Community does not require any specific infection control processes for visitors, except as noted below. Visits during visiting hours are not limited in duration and the number of visitors is not limited. Community must allow consensual physical contact between resident and their visitor. Community must allow in-person visitation in each of the circumstances described in Florida SB 988. If a visitor answers YES to any question on the COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire, or (2) if the resident has COVID-19, then both the resident and visitor would be educated on the risks, both resident and visitor must sign Community’s COVID-19 Liability Waiver template, and both resident and visitor would be provided a mask, gown, gloves and eye protection to wear for their visit.

If you have any questions please contact us.

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