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When Is Assisted Living Appropriate?

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An adult child on the couch beside their senior parent, smiling while they research assisted living communities together.

Our older loved ones deserve quality care. However, caring for a loved one alone can sometimes be overwhelming. Caregiving can pose unique challenges, and there may be a point when you need to consider assisted living. When is assisted living appropriate?

Consider your loved one’s quality of life. If it’s difficult to meet their needs or if they need more help than you can reasonably provide, it’s time for assisted living. It’s an excellent choice that helps preserve your loved one’s dignity and quality of life.

What Is Assisted Living?

For many older adults, everyday tasks can become a little more difficult over the years. It could be due to physical abilities, cognitive changes, or simply just needing extra support here and there.

This change can be frustrating to live with. Tasks like bathing, grooming, or dressing may become more challenging. This can easily impact your loved one’s mental health or even decrease their quality of life. This significantly changes a person’s ability to stay independent every day.

This is when assisted living is beneficial. This approach to long-term living is a great way to help a loved one in need. Communities like ours at Somerby St. Vincent’s are designed to step in when your loved one needs it. Assisted living is about preserving your loved one’s quality of life and maintaining independence—in a way that truly makes a difference.

We assess your loved one’s needs and provide quality care in a home-style environment. Whether they need a hand with managing medication, housekeeping, or even just meeting new people, we’re ready to help. It’s a great way to help a loved one in need.

The Benefits of Assisted Living

Assisted living offers significant benefits for older adults. Before moving in, our community will create a custom plan to make sure your loved one’s needs are met. It’s not about changing the way they live—it’s about helping them live the life they want while getting support when needed.

Assisted living offers:

  • Tailored assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and grooming.
  • Opportunities for making new friends and participating in community events.
  • A secure environment with 24/7 assistance and emergency response.
  • Access to healthy, chef-prepared meals every day.
  • Housekeeping, laundry, and maintenance services provided.

It’s an approach that blends independent living and care. Independence is encouraged every day, and support is always within reach. This peace of mind is invaluable.

Who Should Move to Assisted Living?

Assisted living is suitable for any older adult looking for a simpler, more supported lifestyle. It’s especially beneficial for those who:

  • Over the age of 65 and in stable medical and cognitive condition
  • Want access to more social opportunities and engaging opportunities
  • Are looking for a simpler, maintenance-free lifestyle full of amenities
  • Could benefit from support with activities of daily living
  • Are looking for a community where they can feel at home

If this sounds like your loved one, assisted living could be the right choice.

Tips for Talking to a Parent About Assisted Living

When it comes to talking about senior living, some people hesitate. This is an emotional conversation that requires a careful touch. Remember—you want to help your parent stay independent, and assisted living is designed to help.

It may take a few conversations, so be patient. Any big move is a significant change, and it may take your parent some time to come around. When the topic comes up, give them time to express their feelings and concerns. Actively listen to their concerns and try to understand where they’re coming from. An open mind makes a big difference here.

An adult child and their older parent sitting on the couch and smiling, discussing whether or not assisted living is appropriate.

Then, take some time and make a list of what your parent needs from their future home. Make sure to ask about:

  • Proximity to family or friends for visits
  • Access to medical care or specialized services
  • Opportunities for social activities and recreation
  • Comfortable and personalized living spaces
  • Safety and security measures in place

It also helps to schedule a visit with potential communities ahead of time. Go along with your parent and see what life would be like for them in this community. Focus on the benefits of assisted living and reassure them that it’s an excellent choice.

These steps can make a difference. Remember, it’s about finding a place where your loved one can thrive. They deserve a life full of love, compassion, and support where they can feel at home, and assisted living can help.

Is It Time for Assisted Living?

If you think your loved one would benefit from a move to assisted living, contact us here at Somerby St. Vincent’s One Nineteen. We’re ready to welcome them to our community with open arms, and we look forward to the chance to show you around. Schedule your visit today to see our community firsthand!

Written by
Bridge Senior Living

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Bridge Senior Living
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